OmPrakash G


Honorary General Chair of the Conference

Professor OmPrakash G. Kulkarni,

Scientist, Mentor, Adviser, Technology Provider & Consulting

Engineer in Automation, Instrumentation, Energy Management, IPR,

CDM & Renewable Energy

NASHIK (Maharashtra - INDIA)

 Nicola Massarotti

Professor Nicola Massarotti PhD

Associate professor of Applied 

thermodynamics and thermal science 

at  the University of Cassino, Italy,he holds the

 same position at the University of Napoli

 "Parthenope", Itay

Joachim Koschikowski  

Joachim Koschikowski

Head of Group "Water Treatment and Separation" - Division Solar Thermal and Optics, Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

Fraunhofer,  Germany

 Sadoth Sandoval 



Professor  Sadoth Sandoval Torres

Colegiado IPN

CIIDIR Unidad Oaxaca - Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Depto. Posgrado. Academia de Ingeniería.

Hornos, Oaxaca. Mexico






Mechanical Engineering, 

International Islamic University Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia


Mohamed H Albadi


Ass. Professor Mohammed H Albadi

Electrical & Computer Engineering Department

Sultan Qaboos University  , Oman

Renewable energy and Distributed Generation, Power system operation and planning, Power system economics, Demand side management


 Brahim NECIB


Professor Brahim NECIB

Mechanical Engineering Department

University Brothers Mentouri Constantine




Professor D S GURJAR

Scientist, Water Technology

Centre, IARI, New Delhi, India


 Mounir Bouzguenda



Associate Professor Mounir Bouzguenda,

Electrical Engineering Department Chairman

College of Engineering, King Faisal University

         Al-Hufuf,  Saudi Arabia


 Hatem Ben Taher


Ass. Professor Hatem Ben Taher

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Higher Institute of Industrial Management - ISGI

Sfax,  Tunisia



Professor Brahim BENHAMOU, Ph.D. 

Renewable Energies & Energy Efficuacy Lab., National Center of Research on Water & Research - CNEREE
Responsible of "Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency Laboratory"
Cadi Ayyad Universit0y, Marrakech - Morocco





Professor Aref Maalej, PhD 

Engineering School of Sfax – ENIS


International Expert in Risk Assessment and Damage Estimation

Renewable Energy – Solar Desalination, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning